Been a minute!
Hello students, teachers, friends!
Time is moving. All is revealed in time, it moves slowly, but you can speed up the tempo depending on the situation at hand. It moves slow when you’re sad and quicker when you’re having fun. The more I practice, the more I am informed about where my form doesn’t add up; I fold my body & mind like origami, to establish an archetype so I know where I am in time and space, so I can stay where I am or switch direction. In class we put ourselves in postures to learn where certain habits have settled in the body. The more information you have about yourself, the easier life becomes. When you understand your own motivations and actions, you can decide whether your behavior needs to be adjusted.
Last week in class when I was practicing with one of my teachers, she suggested that I focus less on operating with a muscular mindset, and rather explore an imaginative one. The spine is spherical, it has ridges and waves, it helps me move through time and space. I reference my past so that I can look forward to the potential…. Now I use time to my advantage.
Monday 8p - Powerflow Jersey City
Wednesday 6:30 asana & 7:45p guided meditation
Asana Soul Practice Jersey City
Thursday 5p - Sky Ting Chinatown - my mentor Josie is visiting!! And teaching my class :) I’m taking!
Friday 12p - Asana Soul Practice Hoboken
Saturday 10a - Powerflow Jersey City & 2p Powerflow Hoboken
Sunday 9a - Powerflow Hoboken
So excited to get to teach a masterclass! 90 minute advanced level, save the date for Sunday, December 19th, 12pm at Asana Soul Practice - Hoboken
Peak pose for practice is Astavakrasana, otherwise known as Eight Crooked Limbs.
Here is the backstory…
This asana is dedicated to a sage named Astavakra, which translates as Asta = Eight and Vakra = Bent.
The story begins as Astavakra was inside his mother's womb. He heard his father reciting the Vedas (sacred texts) and caught him making several mistakes. The unborn baby started laughing; which made his father so mad that he cursed his son to be born crooked in eight places as Astavakra. Although Astavakra was born crooked in eight places, he was extremely wise.
Years later, his father was defeated in a philosophical debate and imprisoned. Astavakra decided to regain his father’s freedom and embarked on a very difficult journey, considering he is bent in eight places, which took him thirty days of walking to the palace of King Janaka.
Once he arrived, Astavakra was humiliated and disappointed. He had hoped for the palace to be a place where learned men were having philosophical discussions, but he only found people who laughed at his appearance. Astavakra said to King Janaka “I do not see any learned men. All I see is shoemakers; men who see only a person’s skin and who judge me by this superficial measure. "
King Janaka realised the truth in Astavakra’s words and asked for his forgiveness. After which Astavakra avenged his father in a philosophical debate and gained him back his freedom.
Astavakra became King Janaka’s preceptor, and his father was so proud that he took him to the holy river to lift the curse and heal his bent body.
Expect lots of attention to hip-mobility and arm balances!! Gomukasana & Compass Pose variations to find freedom through confinement, pranayama techniques for personal embodiment.